Empower your well-being journey with these 3 workshops:
blossom / bloom / breathe & grow
@ The Life Centre, Notting Hill, London
Friday 22 April 4:00-5:30pm
Spring is the time to blossom your nervous and endocrine systems to bring them into balance so that they can support you and each other.
Friday 20 May 4:00-5.30pm
How to meet your boundaries - a conversation between me, myself, and I, to support your immune system and autonomic rhythm.
breathe & grow
Friday 17 June 4:00-5:30pm
Heart and Hands: Breathe, move and grow from stillness into movement.
Bringing the connection with nature into the workshops, the movement meditations are a mix of craniosacral and Andean practices both of which are ultimately about reconnecting our energy systems with the natural world. The beat of our heart to the beat of the earth's heart, the pulsating of our cells with the pulsing of the stars, the breath in our bodies with the breathing of the universe.
The Body-Mind Centering® approach to movement, the body, and consciousness explores the anatomical, embryological, and developmental foundations of movement and how they relate to our psychophysical processes and wellbeing.
These workshops are an opportunity for you to meet yourself, find balance, improve your homeostasis and emerge with tools for continued self reflection. You may attend all 3 workshops or any single one that takes your interest.
In these workshops you will first be guided on a meditation journey. With Henrietta, you will connect deeply into all the systems of the body to the very cells and beyond to sense into your energetic body. This process will take your body/mind into a healing space where it may release what it no longer needs and find rest and relaxation.
From this place of embodied awareness Andromeda will lead you into embodied movement to deepen into your bodies wisdom and capacity for healing and change. Henrietta will also be playing the beautiful Crystal Sound Bowls to support you in the movement. The healing sound vibrations will enable you deepen into this state and allow the sound vibrations to work their healing magic!
These workshops will help you sense into the systems of the body at the deepest level and to find support and relaxation. They will support you in releasing what is no longer helpful and leave you feeling more balance and energised with space and time given to share your experiences.
How to book:
The fee for each workshop is £50.
You can attend all 3 workshops or just the ones that take your interest.
For bookings and payments please go to: The Life Centre | Empower Your Well-Being with Movement Meditations…
Henrietta Wynne Finch is a registered Craniosacral Therapist, Dance Movement Psychotherapist and practitioner of the Andean Mystical Traditions. www.movingjourneys.co.uk
Andromeda Graziano is a certified Practitioner and Teacher of Body-Mind Centering®, Pilates teacher and movement specialist. www.andromedagraziano.com
[Body-Mind Centering® is a registered service mark, and BMC® is a service mark of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.]