A poem not from a poet
A the very centre of life itself is a pin prick of light
A silently moving spiralling expansive space.
So silent it is deafening until we hear its song
This pin prick of light exists in our bodies.
It is breathed into us at when we are born
At the centre of every cell
As a two way portal
A portal back home into the cosmos, the source of all life
And a gateway into and through our cells into every cells of the body until we take shape as this human
Held in every cell is the memory and a knowing of how this pin prick of light expands out to fill the entire cell until it is a translucent, perfect bright light. Like the first cell when we came into existence. Like a star in the contellastions of the cells of our bodies
Shining out, bouncing off and communicating its light to all the other cells
Reminding us of who we are
Inside our cells is held another memory
A memory of the lives, loves and lessons of our ancestors
Some fully lived, loved and learnt and some still in a holding pattern waiting to be completed
The journey is not to complete these journeys that don’t belong to us but to release them into the light of our cells
To see these patterns as just that, patterns and shapes in the sand, and watch them freefall into the void, the cosmos the eternal moving stillness
Nothing to do with you
You are the space, the void and the eternal moving stillness into which it falls, expresses and ultimately shines
A star finding its place in the cosmos.
Its rightful place home