Yes and No
There is a yes
But it doesn’t know how to move
There is a fizzing in my flesh and in my bones
In my cells
Anxiety or Excitement?
Anticipation or Fear?
The yes has been poured into me now
Death resisted
But it is here now
Too late to go back
My throat aches
Only death knows how to speak
Death speaks in finite terms
In words of limitation
Always with conditions
Intent on searching out Safety
The end is certain
But Life
Life speaks with poetry
It speaks with words of possibility
It dances its way to a place of unknown destination
Only the origin is known
This I don’t know yet how to do?
How do these two coexist
Life and death?
The beginning and the End
The known and the unknown
Certainly and uncertainty?
How do they cease the fight
Entwine like lovers
The end certain but the journey unknown
Why would I welcome death?
In fact I didn’t welcome it
It was thrust upon me
But I know now
Without death there are no seasons
There is no winter
There is no rest
Without death
We don’t see the coming to life of the seed
The vibrancy and breathtaking beauty of its unfolding
The joy of its dance
The humility in it’s fragility
And we mistake Death for an ending
It is not
it is a transitions
But as with birth it is a painful one
Pain as ecstasy
There is the grief in the end of a season
The end of a cycle
But there also is the rest before the birth of something new
The grief of not knowing what that is
And no promises
Just the scent of a knowing
And then we stand back
And we can see
The yes and the no
The birth and death
The knowing and not knowing
They are all here all the time held in the vastness of space and time
Just too big for us to see
So we must journey through them
Experiencing them one piece at a time
One moment at a time
One lifetime at a time
Anything else would be ..?
I am not sure what anything else would be
Maybe one day we stop journeying
And we just become it all
No more journeying
Just this