Grounding into the Cells: A clients journey
Working with complex trauma.
For a long time we could not approach Clare’s (not her real name) stories because they were too painful.
A year on and her stories have allowed us closer.
We don’t talk to them directly because we don’t need to but they have agreed to be present in the room now.
Similarly Clare was not able to be in her body because that was not a safe place to be.
So we worked with the energy body, with the dance of energy that ebbed and flowed.
Today was different
Today we grounded into the cells.
Her mind wanted to express its fears and doubts.
It wanted to talk about its resistance and wanted to reflect on the pain in the body
But something deeper longed to be met, just as it was.
And I wanted to meet this
To meet the health
The wholeness
The place where resistance was seen as a ripple on the pond
I knew that for the first time there had been an arrival in the body.
Instead of working with the energy field I felt that she had arrived in the body, in some mysterious way into the cells of the body.
Once landed there seemed to be some ignition there.
It was as if now there was an acknowledgement and a deep felt sense, unconscious as it was, of the cellular nature of her existence.
There was a need for us to ignore the stories
Not care about the ‘Buts’ and the ‘resistance’
If I met them I knew we would be in an endless spiral
A mental game of persuasion
So we left them behind, for now
And we dropped
Into the fluid pool of existence beneath
Into the wholeness
The Health
We went on a journey
There was the deep pool beneath us
The floor rippled with it
But it was deeper than that
It was like a pool deep into the Earth’s surface
And we got a felt sense of what it felt like to drop into it
There was silence
And if we listened closely enough we could almost hear the music
The CELLS in some mysterious way mirror this
We come back to the Cells and feel how we are dropping into the fluid nature of our cells
Our thoughts are like stones that drop into the pond and create ripples.
If we let them drop to the bottom we are just left feeling the ripple
After a while the ripples spread until it settles and then another.
We watch this for a while
What if we are indeed the lake into which the stone falls, on which the ripples are rippling
We drop deeper until we viscerally feel the depth of ourselves
We can feel how we are the lake
There is such stillness and depth here
This feels like the ground of the cells
We can feel ourselves to be the separate cells and the unity of the fluid itself
There’s no stagnancy here
There is movement in the stillness
We rely on our imagination to help us feel and visualise and to guide us in this journey
So what feels and sounds like to be happening in stages or in linear time is actually occurring all at the same time
There is a stream of energy
Of liquid blue white light
It flows down from the cosmos
From the stars themselves and from the rivers and lakes above the stars
It flows down through the top of our energy bubble through the crown of our head
It fills the ventricles of our brain and into the spine and from there into every cell of the body
It fills the cells with this life giving fluid
Is this the ground of our cells, our cellular fluid
Flowing from source
We don’t even notice until we pay close attention that we are vibrating, pulsing this beat, this rhythm
The rhythm of the stars
Our breath keeps us anchored in the body, in the cells
In this renewal perhaps we can renew our energy body
Let go of heavy energy
Of that which no longer serves us
We can can cleanse our energy body
It pours over us like a waterfall
We can release the heaviness into the earth
We can feel energy streams opening up and flowing into the rivers of the earth
But our attention is not on the renewal of this fluid
Our attention is just on this moment, just this.
Nothing to fix, nothing to change, nothing to heal
The healing is already here
The health, the wholeness
Is here.
Calling to us
Calling us back to ourselves
A place of rest from which we can flow